6 Wheel All Wheel Steer

Header Transports


The Unverferth 6-Wheel All Wheel Steer (AWST) header transport is the ultimate in high-value header transportation.  The 6-wheel steering design coupled with the patent-pending rear walking tandem axle design provides the greatest carrying capacity for today’s heavier heads and exceptional maneuverability.  The standard front rubber cushioned suspension provides a smoother ride and when coupled with the rear walking tandem design, you have a true tacking header transport for your high-value corn head or draper.  The 6-wheel AWST is available in 62', 52’, 48’ and 42’ sizes to haul the largest corn heads or drapers quickly and safely.  Customize your header transport with an optional extra-long 20’ tongue, or specialty draper mounting kit to fit your operation’s needs.

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